Friday, February 16, 2007

영어 대화

처음 버스를 탔는데 지폐는 안받는다고 할 때 (난감형)
나: What can I do? -_-;;
기사: I have no changes. You have to get off. Get on next bus.

가게에서 잔돈을 바꾸고 싶을 때 (구걸형)
나: I want to take a bus. I need coins.
점원: OK. give me 2 dollars.
나: Here.

아래는 나름 멀쩡한 대화들...

1. 비행기가 지연되었을 때 항공사 직원과의 대화
Can I take my next flight to Tokyo?
Hm.. I'll change your ticket.
Is there any more problem?

2. 공중전화를 위해 코인이 필요했을 때, 가게 점원과의 대화
I need coins. Can you change my bill for coins?

3. 공항 식당에서의 햄버거 주문
Hamburger please.
Anything else?
Some drink.
Coke, juice or ...?
Coke Please.
Do you need a table?
No, I don't.

4. 햄버거 독촉 대화
I have to go boarding quickly.
Where is my burger?

5. 비행기 게이트에서 햄버거를 들고 가도 되냐는 질문
Can I bring these?

6. 예쁜 딸을 데리고 탄 예쁜 엄마와의 대화
Are you going home?
Are you a student?
Ya. I'm a Korean student.
I met my friend in USA. Where are you going?
Thailand, My home. I live in Virginia.
How long have you been in USA?
8 years.
How often do you go home?
every year.
Usually on this time?
No. My mother is sick. I bought my ticket yesterday.
What do you do in Virginia?
I take care of this one(옆의 딸을 가리키며). I quit my job.
This one is my world and my office.
Oh.. Haha...